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Predefined default Ticket Views or filters


The following are some of the predefined default ticket views for agents.
Agents can create their views and save them.

Check out this video for more details.

Default Views Filter Criteria Description
All Unassigned Tickets Agent and group – Empty Tickets in which agent and group fields are empty.
Requested By Me Requester – Current-user Tickets in which the current user is the ticket’s requester.
My Resolution Overdue Tickets Agent – Current-user Resolution – Overdue Status-category – Pending Holds the tickets assigned to the currently logged-in user, where the status category is pending and resolution time is less than the current date-time.
My Today Resolution Due Tickets Agent – Current-user Resolution – Due by today Status-category – Pending All the tickets assigned to the currently logged-in user have the status category as pending, and resolution time within a current day (12:00 AM – 11:59 PM)
My Pending Tickets Agent – Current-user Status-category – Pending All the tickets are assigned to the currently logged-in user where the status category is pending.
All Tickets Resolution Due Today Resolution – Due by today Status-category – Pending Holds all the tickets with the status category as pending and resolution time within a current day (12:00 AM – 11:59 PM).
Tickets I am Watching Watcher– Current-user Holds all the tickets that the current users are watching.
Tickets I’m Mentioned On @mentioned user is the Current user All the tickets where the current user is mentioned either in public or private message
All Unsolved Tickets in my group Groups – Current user group Ticket status – Not in solved and closed Holds all the tickets that are not in solved or closed status and assigned to the current user group, but the agent field is empty.
All Unsolved Tickets Ticket status – Not in solved and closed Holds all the tickets where the status is not solved or closed.
My Unsolved Tickets Agent – Current-user Ticket status – Not in solved and closed Holds all the tickets assigned to the currently logged-in user where the ticket status is not solved/closed.
All Pending Tickets Status category – Pending Holds all the tickets where the status category is pending.
All Response Overdue Tickets Response due – Overdue Status category – Pending Holds all the tickets with a response due as overdue and the status category as pending.
My Response Overdue Tickets Agent – Current-user Response due – Overdue Status category – Pending Holds all the tickets assigned to the current user and response due as overdue, and the ticket status category is pending.
SLA Breached Tickets SLA-breached-count > 0 Holds all the tickets where SLA is breached at least once, maybe response/resolution due.
Tickets I am cced on CC – Current-user Holds all the tickets where the current user is present in CC.
All Resolution Overdue Tickets Resolution – Overdue and Status category – Pending Holds all the tickets where resolution is overdue, pending status category.

Editing the Predefined Default Ticket Views

To modify the settings in the predefined default ticket views, follow the given steps:

  1. Go to the Tickets Module.
  2. Click on the context menu of any one of the predefined default ticket views.
  3. Select Edit Settings option from the menu.


4. Click the Edit Settings option, and a new dialogue box with the specifics of the ticket view appears on the window.
5. You can modify the View Name and Ticket Sorting fields in the predefined default ticket views.
6. Click on the Update button to save the changes.


Permissions to Edit the Predefined Default Ticket Views

An agent must have the Manage ticket views permission granted to his or her role in order to modify the settings in the predefined default ticket views.
Refer to this article to learn more about Roles and Permissions.


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