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Using and Saving Advanced Filters as Ticket Views


There are two types of filters that are available for agents on the ticket list page:

  1. Basic filters
  2. Advanced filters

Apart from these, some predefined filters are available. You can find details about those filters in this article.

In this article, you will learn about how to filter tickets using advanced filters and save the filters as views. Advanced filters provide a more flexible way of filtering. It supports the criteria involving custom fields.

Check out this video for more details.

To apply the advanced filter, follow the given steps:

  1. Open the ticket list page.
  2. Click the Filters option on the right side to open the filter panel.
  3. Select the Switch to Advance filter option.
  4. Select criteria as per your requirements and click Apply. The tickets matching the selected criteria will be listed.

Filter Icon.png

For example, in the following screenshot, the selected filter criteria are:

Status – Not in, Solved, and Closed

Priority – High

These filters support selecting preferred criteria and custom fields.

Advanced Filter Dialog.png

Advanced filter supported fields
The table below summarizes the advanced filter supported fields.

Field Description Operators
Status Filters tickets that belong to the selected statuses. Is, Is not, In, Not In
Priority Filters tickets that belong to the selected priorities. Is, Is not, In, Not In
Status Category Filters tickets whose statuses are within the selected status category. Is, Is not, In, Not In
Agent Filters tickets that are assigned to the specified agents. Is, Is not, Is empty, Is not empty, In, Not In, In Group
Group Filters tickets that are assigned to the specified group. Is, Is not, Is empty, Is not empty, In, Not In
Category Filters tickets that fall under the specified category. Is, Is not, Is empty, Is not empty, In, Not In
Type Filters tickets which are of the selected type. Is, Is not, Is empty, Is not empty, In, Not In
Visibility Filters tickets based on their visibility, like visible in customer prtal or not. Is Public, Is Private
Source Filters tickets that are created from the specified source. Is, Is not, In, Not In
Created By Filters tickets that are created by the specified users. Is, Is not, In, Not In, In Group
Requester Filters tickets that are requested by the specified users. Is, Is not, In, Not In, In Group
Contact Group Name Filters tickets that belong to the selected contact groups. Is, Is not, Is empty, Is not empty, In, Not In
Resolution Due Date Filters tickets that haven’t been resolved based on the selected date range. Only pending category tickets will be listed. Between, Relative Date, Greater than, Less than, Is empty, Last, Next
Response Due Filters tickets that haven’t been responded to based on the selected presets. Only pending category tickets will be listed. Between, Relative Date, Greater than, Less than, Is empty, Last, Next
Created On Filters tickets which are created based on selected presets or custom date range. Between, Relative Date, Greater than, Less than, Last
Closed On Filters tickets that are closed based on selected presets or custom date range. Only closed tickets will be listed. Between, Relative Date, Greater than, Less than, Is empty, Last
Replied Date Filters tickets which are replied based on selected presets or custom date range. Only tickets with Reply Count more than zero will be listed. Between, Relative Date, Greater than, Less than, Is empty, Last
Modified Date Filters tickets that were modified based on the pre-set custom Date Range. Between, Relative Date, Greater than, Less than, Last
Tags Filters tickets that contain the selected tags. In, Not All
Ticket ID Filters tickets based on the ticket IDs. Is, Is not, In, Not in
SLA Breached Count Filters tickets based on the SLA breached count of the ticket. Greater than equal to, Less than equal to, Greater than, Less than, Is
SLA Achieved Count Filters tickets based on the SLA achieved count of the ticket Greater than equal to, Less than equal to, Greater than, Less than, Is
Response Count Filters tickets based on the ticket response count. Greater than equal to, Less than equal to, Greater than, Less than, Is
Reopen Count Filters tickets based on the number of times the ticket was reopened. Greater than equal to, Less than equal to, Greater than, Less than, Is
Requester Reply Count Filters tickets based on the number of requester reply count. Greater than equal to, Less than equal to, Greater than, Less than, Is
Agent Reply Count Filters tickets based on the number of agent replies. Greater than equal to, Less than equal to, Greater than, Less than, Is
CC Filters ticket based on the CC users added to the ticket. Is, In, Is empty, In Group
Watchers Filters tickets based on the watchers added to the ticket. Is, In, Is empty, In Group
Mentioned User Filters tickets based on the users mentioned in the ticket replies. Is, In, Is empty, In Group
Satisfaction Survey Category Filters tickets based on the satisfaction rating category. In, Is empty
Satisfaction Survey Points Filters tickets based on the satisfaction rating points. In, Is empty
Participated in Any Conversation Filters tickets based on the user’s participation in tickets. Is, In, In Group
Participated in Public Conversation Filters tickets based on the user’s participation in the Ticket’s Public Reply or Public Notes. Is, In, In Group
Participated in Private Conversation Filters tickets based on the user’s participation in the ticket’s private notes. Is, In, In Group
Shared with Agent Filters the tickets that are shared with the selected agents. Is
Shared with Group Filters tickets that are shared with the selected group. Is
Locked By Filters tickets that are locked by the selected agents. Is, In, In Group
Ticket Locked Filters tickets based on their locked status, like Locked or Not. Is
Last Replied By Filters tickets that were last replied to by the selected users. Is, Is Not, Is empty, Is not empty, In, Not in, In Group
Last Modified By Filters tickets that were last modified by the selected users. Is, Is Not, Is empty, Is not empty, In, Not in, In Group
Ticket External Reference ID Filters tickets based on the external reference ID of the ticket. Is, Is not, Is empty, Is not empty
Requester Email Filters tickets based on the email ID of the requester of the tickets. Is, Is not, Contains, Does not contain
Requester Timezone Filters tickets based on the time zone of the requester of the tickets. Is, Is not, In, Not in
Requester External Id Filters tickets based on the external ID of the requester of the tickets. Is, Is not, Is empty, Is not empty, Contains, Does not contain, Starts with, Ends with, Does not start with, Does not end with.
Requester Language Filters tickets based on the language of the requester of the tickets. Is, Is not, In, Not in
Requester External Id Filters tickets based on the external ID of the contact group of the tickets. Is, Is not, Is empty, Is not empty, Contains, Does not contain, Starts with, Ends with, Does not start with, Does not end with.
Total Hours Logged (min) This filter allows you to find tickets based on the total time spent working on them. You can specify a time in minutes to narrow down the results. Is, Is not, Is empty, Is not empty, Greater than equal to, Less than equal to, Greater than, Less than
Total Billable Hours Logged (min) This filter allows you to find tickets based on the total billable time spent working on them. You can specify a time in minutes to narrow down the results. Is, Is not, Is empty, Is not empty, Greater than equal to, Less than equal to, Greater than, Less than
Solved On Filters tickets which are solved based on selected presets or custom date range. Between, RelativeDate, GreaterThan, LessThan, IsEmpty, Last
Ticket Attachments Count Filters tickets based on the ticket attachment count. Equal, GreaterThan, LessThan, GreaterThanOrEqual, LessThanOrEqual
Ticket Activities Count Filters tickets based on the ticket activity count. Equal, GreaterThan, LessThan, GreaterThanOrEqual, LessThanOrEqual
Ticket Approval Request Count Filters tickets based on the ticket approval request count. Equal, GreaterThan, LessThan, GreaterThanOrEqual, LessThanOrEqual
Ticket Approval Approved Count Filters tickets based on the ticket approval approved count. Equal, GreaterThan, LessThan, GreaterThanOrEqual, LessThanOrEqual
Ticket Approval Rejected Count Filters tickets based on the ticket approval rejected count. Equal, GreaterThan, LessThan, GreaterThanOrEqual, LessThanOrEqual
Ticket Approval Pending Count Filters tickets based on the ticket approval pending count. Equal, GreaterThan, LessThan, GreaterThanOrEqual, LessThanOrEqual
Has Attachments Filters tickets that contain any attachments. Equal
Has Any Activity Filters tickets that contain any activity. Equal
Has Any Approval Requests Filters tickets that contain any approval requests. Equal
Has Any Pending Approval Requests Filters tickets that contain any pending approval requests. Equal
Agent Availability Status Filters tickets that belong to the selected agent availability statuses. Equal, NotEqual, In, NotIn
Agent Availability Status Category Filters tickets whose statuses are within the selected agent availability status category. Equal, NotEqual, In, NotIn
Marketplace App Filters tickets that contain any selected marketplace apps Equal, In
Marketplace Linked Item ID Filters tickets based on the marketplace linked item ID. Equal, Contains, StartsWith, EndsWith
Is Brand Changed Filters the tickets in which the brand has been modified. Equal
Ticket Form Filters tickets that belong to the selected ticket forms. Equal, NotEqual, In, NotIn
Agent Email Filters tickets based on the email ID of the agent of the tickets. Is, Is not, Contains, Does not contain
Agent Time Zone Filters tickets based on the time zone of the agent of the tickets. Is, Is not, In, Not in

Custom Fields supported
The table below summarizes the supported types of custom fields:

Field Type Description Operators
Check box Filters ticket based on the selected checkbox values. Is, Is not, Is empty
Radio Button Filters ticket based on the selected radio button values. Is, Is not, Is empty
Drop down(single-select) Filters ticket based on the selected dropdown option values. Is, Is not, Is empty, Is not empty, In, Not in
Drop down(multi-select) Filters ticket based on the selected multi-select option values. Is, Is not, Is empty, Is not empty, In
Date Filters ticket based on the selected date preset or custom date range. Between, Relative Date, Greater than equal to, Less than equal to, Greater than, Less than, Is empty, Is not empty, Is, Is not, Last, Next
Numeric Filters tickets based on the selected numeric field values. Is, Is not, Is empty, Is not empty, In, Not in, Greater than, Less than, Greater than equal to, Less than equal to
Date time Filters tickets based on the selected date preset or custom date time range. Between, Relative Date, Greater than equal to, Less than equal to, Greater than, Less than, Is empty, Is not empty, Is, Is not, Last, Next
Decimal Filters ticket based on the selected decimal field values. Is, Is not, Is empty, Is not empty, Greater than, Less than, Greater than equal to, Less than equal to
Lookup Filters tickets based on the selected option from the dropdown list of lookup values. Is, Is not, Is empty, Is not empty, In, Not in, In Group
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