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Contact Profile


The contact profile page displays information about a specific contact such as, the total number of tickets created, mapped contact groups, and more.

How to view contact profile

  1. Open the contacts profile page.
  2. Click the contact’s name or go to the more options menu on the right and choose View Profile.


Information on contact profile

The contact profile displays the contact’s name and email address, as well as the total number of tickets, the number of pending tickets, the number of hold tickets, and the number of closed tickets.


The contact tag is displayed next to the contact’s name. The values of the tags can be as follows:

  • Verified
  • Unverified
  • Blocked
  • Deleted

Other informations are displayed in the tab structure.


It shows the contact information entered when the contact was added. For example, Name, Email Id, Contact Group, Contact Access Scope, Created Date, and more.



It shows the overall tickets created or requested by the end user.


The View in ticket filter option navigates to the ticket module, where you can view the tickets for the selected contact.

Contact groups

It shows all the mapped contact groups and the ticket access scope associated with the contact.

When the add or edit contact permission is enabled, you can add or remove mapped contact groups and reset the primary contact group.


When the View All Tickets option is disabled, the end user can only see their own tickets associated with the contact group.

Note: The Contact Groups tab appears only when the Multiple Contact Groups feature is enabled.

How to change primary contact group

  1. Open the contact profile page.
  2. Select the Contact Groups tab.
  3. To change the primary contact group, click the Star icon highlighted in the image as follows:


How to add a contact group

  1. Open the contact profile page.
  2. Select the Contact Groups tab.
  3. On the right, click the Add Contact Group button to open a dialog box.
  4. Select the contact groups and click the Add button.
  5. The selected contact groups will be listed. Before you save, you can remove the contact group and change the ticket access scope.
  6. Click the Save button to save the contact group.



How to remove the mapped contact group

  1. Open the contact profile page.
  2. Select the Contact Groups tab.
  3. Click the remove button as highlighted to open a dialog box.
  4. Select the Yes option to remove the contact group.


How to change ticket access scope

  1. Open the contact profile page.
  2. Select the Contact Groups tab.
  3. Use the toggle switch to control the View All Tickets button.
  4. If checked, the end user can see all the tickets associated with the contact group.
  5. If unchecked, the end user can only see their own tickets associated with the contact group.


Contact history

The history tab displayed the overall contact profile changes. The contact history can be logged for the following cases:

  1. When creating or editing a contact.
  2. When you block, delete, deactivate, or activate a contact.
  3. When creating or editing a contact.
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