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How to Edit Activity Comment


To edit an activity comment, follow the given steps:

  1. Go to the Activities module.
  2. Choose the activity in which you want to modify the comment.
  3. Select the Comment.
  4. Click the highlighted more option (⋮) and choose the Edit Comment option.
  5. Enter the new content for the comment and click the Update button to update the changes.
  6. After editing the activity, the new content will replace the old content, and ‘edited’ will be shown near the comment.
  7. When hovering over the ‘edited’ tag near the comment, additional information will be displayed as shown in the above image:
    Edited on - The date and time when the comment was edited.
    Edited by - The name of the person who edited the comment.

Edit activity comments permission

An agent should enable the Edit activity comments permission to access the edit activity comments feature. Refer to this article to know more about Roles and Permissions.


Permissions Description
Own comments Agents can edit comments added by themselves.
Own or any agent’s comments Agents can edit comments added by other agents and themselves.
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