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How to Enable Multilingual Email Templates


Multilanguage support in email templates allows you to communicate effectively with users who speak different languages. By enabling this feature, you can provide localized content in emails, ensuring a better user experience. This article will guide you through the process of enabling and configuring multilanguage email templates in your portal.

Step 1: Enable Multilingual Support at the Portal Level

To begin, you need to enable multilanguage support at the portal level.

Follow the steps provided in the article ‘How to Configure Multilanguage Support’ in your portal. This will ensure that the necessary infrastructure is in place to support multiple languages in your email templates.

Step 2: Configuring Email Templates

  1. Once multilanguage support is enabled, navigate to the Admin > Email Notifications section.
    You will see a collection of templates available for customization in the email events and their templates list.
    By default, the templates will be in English.
  2. Select the template you wish to modify to enable multilanguage support for a specific template.
    You will find a list of added languages on the right side of the template editor.


  1. Choose the language you want to customize the template by selecting the corresponding language from the list.
  2. Update the content of the template in the selected language. You can modify the text, formatting, and any other relevant information to suit the targeted language.
  3. Save the changes to the template.
  4. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each language you want to support.

Step 3: Managing Language Updates

As your email templates support multiple languages, it is important to keep them up to date with consistent content across all supported languages.

  • If you make changes to the content of one language, it is recommended to update the corresponding content in all other language templates as well.
    This ensures that email communication remains consistent for all users, regardless of the language they receive emails in.
  • To simplify this process, you can mark other language templates as “Mark as outdated” when you update the content in one template.
    This serves as a reminder to update the other language templates with the same changes.



Enabling multilanguage email templates allows you to effectively communicate with users in their preferred languages.
By following the steps outlined in this article, you can configure multilanguage support at the portal level and customize email templates for different languages.
Remember to keep all language templates updated to ensure consistent and accurate communication across your user base.

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To learn more about how to manage and personalize email notification from this article.

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