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Sending Email Notifications for Unassigned Tickets


You can use the time trigger to create alerts about unassigned agent tickets by sending an email to a specific group or user.

Create a time trigger rule

Follow the given steps to create a time trigger rule:

  1. Go to Admin> Ticket Automation > Time Triggers> Add Rule.
  2. Enter the Rule Name and Description (optional) on the create rule page.
  3. Choose Business Hours to be considered for the rule.
  4. Create the following condition and set action to notify a group when a ticket is unassigned to an agent.




Unassigned Ticket Action.png

Note: Here, the email will be sent to the ‘Support Resolution Group’ when a ticket that was created 1 hour ago is still unassigned to an agent.

Related Article

To find more details about hour-based fields to create a condition and meet the requirements, refer to this article.
To learn more details about Time Trigger, read this article

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