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Microsoft Teams Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting: Channel not listed in BoldDesk Teams configuration page after installation.
Method 1
To fix this issue, follow the given steps:
- Once you install Bolddesk in Microsoft Teams, a textbox will appear in the channel. Input your domain in the textbox and click Submit.
- Navigate to your domain where you will need to log in.
Upon successful login, the Bolddesk Teams configuration page will display the Teams channel.
Method 2
- If you have installed the BoldDesk app and logged into your domain but can’t find the channel listed on the configuration page, it is probably because the token has expired.
- To resolve this issue, re-authenticate Microsoft Teams on the Teams configuration page within the BoldDesk portal.
- To re-authenticate the Microsoft Teams in BoldDesk:
Go to Admin > Marketplace > Microsoft Team > Re-Authentication.
Uninstalling and reinstalling the Bolddesk App
You can uninstall and reinstall the BoldDesk to resolve the issue.
To uninstall the BoldDesk from Teams channel, follow the given steps:
- Click Manage team.
- Go to Apps section and click the more option in the BoldDesk application, and then click Remove.
To install the BoldDesk app in the Teams channels, refer to this article.
How will the agent receive notifications in Teams?
To receive notification in Teams, follow the given steps:
- Set up a notification for yourself by selecting the Add for me option in the Teams bot.
- Choose the Notify Assignee option in the BoldDesk MS Team configuration, as shown in the below screenshot.
You will receive the notification of selected ticket events as shown in the screenshot.
- To learn more about installing BoldDesk bot in Microsoft Teams, refer to this article.
To learn more about configuring the Teams channel notification, refer to this article.
The Notify Assignee option will send the notification in personal Teams chat only to the assigned agents.
Troubleshooting: Not receiving notifications for tickets
Channel notification
- The conditions and ticket events should be matched, which you have configured in the BoldDesk Teams configuration page.
Assignee notification
- The conditions and ticket events should be matched, which you have configured in the BoldDesk Teams configuration page.
- Only the ticket assignee (Agent) who installed the app will receive notifications.
- Agents will not receive notifications for replies and notes added by themselves.
Reauthenticate the Teams on the configuration page
- If the MS Teams not used frequently, the token will get expire in 90 days and you will have to manually reauthenticate the teams in the configuration page. If the MS Teams is used regularly the token will automatically be refreshed.