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Using @mention in Ticket Updates or Notes


The @mention feature allows you to notify an agent who may or may not be a part of the ticket. @mention can be used in public messages or private notes. @mentioned users are automatically added to watchers in the tickets.

For @mentioning an agent, open the ticket Reply/Notes editor and type @ symbol followed by some starting letters of the agent’s name to get a list of suggested agents and select an agent from the list for @mention.

Agents’ List Page.png

Email Notification

@mentioned users are added to watchers. So, they receive email notifications as watchers.


  1. If an agent who has been @mentioned doesn’t have appropriate permission to view the tickets in the agent portal, the agent will only receive notifications via email. An agent can unsubscribe from the notifications by Unwatching a ticket.
  2. Only agents can be @mentioned. The contacts or customers cannot be @mentioned.

Check out this video tutorial for more.

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