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Email Actions: Update Ticket Properties via Email



The ‘Email Actions’ feature allows you to modify certain ticket properties, such as status, assignee, and requester, by simply sending an email to the support team with the appropriate command and value. This KB article presents the syntax and allowed actions for Email Actions.

Action keywords included in email content will only be taken into account if the sender is an active Agent. If Contact or End-users use action keywords in their emails, it will not be considered.


To use Email Actions, you need to include a command and a value in your email body. The syntax for the command and value is as follows:
#command value

For example, to assign the ticket to an agent with the email address “”, you should use the following command:

Allowed Actions

Email Actions can be used for two events ticket creation and updating a reply to an existing ticket. The allowed actions for each event are as follows:

Event: New Email

Command Values
#assignee Assigns the ticket to an agent. The value should be the valid email address of the agent.
#category Place the ticket under the specified category. The value should be the name of the category.
#requester Sets the requester for the ticket. The value should have a valid email address of the contact.
#private Creates the ticket as a private ticket.
Note: This is a short key, so it doesn’t need any value.

Event: Email Reply

Command Values
#status Updates the status based on the given values. Value should have a valid status name.
#private or #note Updates the reply to the ticket as a private note.
Note: This is a short key, it doesn’t need any value.


Check out this video tutorial for more about Email Actions


  • Command and value details should be separated by only one space.
  • Each command should be separated by a new line.
  • Commands can be placed anywhere in the body of the mail.
  • For the command to be accepted, it must be both valid and accurate. The system will cross-check the values against the database, and if they do not match, the command will be disregarded. In such a case, the system will still process any remaining actions.
  • Commands and values are case insensitive.
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