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How to Bulk Update the Multiple Tickets


In this article, you will learn how to update many tickets at the same time using the Bulk Update option. This option is only available for agents in the agent portal. You can update a maximum of 100 tickets at a time. Only agents can perform bulk actions in the agent portal.

For example, if you want to change the requesters of many tickets, you have to select tickets from the ticket list page and change the requesters of those tickets.

The following fields can be updated using a bulk action:

  • Requester
  • Status
  • Assignee Group
  • Assignee Agent
  • Resolution Due
  • Priority
  • Note (Private or Public)
  • Public Reply

Checkout this video for more details

To bulk update tickets, follow the given steps:

  1. Select the tickets you want to update.
  2. Click the Bulk Update option.


  1. Click the checkbox of the fields you want to update.
  2. Choose the values you want to update or add the Reply or Note to the tickets that you want to update.


  1. All the fields with the values that are updated will be displayed in the pop-up window.
  2. After you have reviewed the values updated in the fields, click the Update button.


Once initiated, the success toast message will be displayed and the bulk action will run in the background. It may take up to 10 minutes for the action to be completed.

If you open the ticket details immediately after clicking the update option, changes may not be updated as the process runs in the background.

  1. Once the bulk update process is completed, you will receive an email mentioning the changes that occurred. You should not update any other fields in the ticket while process in ongoing to avoid conflicts.


  • To access the Bulk edit feature, an agent should have the Bulk edit all fields permission assigned to his or her role. Refer to this article to know more about the Roles and Permission.
  • Field Dependency and Display condition will not be considered when using the bulk update action.
  • Email notification alerts, Webhooks, and SLA will be triggered if applicable.

How to set Ticket Page Count to update a maximum number of tickets at a time?

Go to Personal Settings > General > Set “Ticket Page Count”. Refer to the screenshot below.



To bulk edit all the fields above, an agent must have the permission to the Bulk Edit all Fields option enabled.


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