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How to Enforce SEO for Knowledge Base Articles


Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility and ranking of an article on search engine results pages (SERPs). You can enforce the SEO for your organization level using the portal knowledge base settings.

You can enable or disable the Mandatory to fill SEO Attributes option in the portal settings. By enabling this option, it prompts the user to fill in the following SEO-related attributes:

  • Meta Title
  • Meta description
  • OG title
  • OG description


How to enable the Mandatory to fill SEO Attributes option

Follow the given steps to enable the Mandatory to-fill SEO attributes option:

  1. Navigate to Admin module > Agent Portal > Knowledge Base.


  1. In the Knowledge Base tab, enable the option under Enforce SEO-related attributes.


Note: This enforcement will only apply to publicly visible articles whose status isn’t Draft.

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