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Related Articles in Self-service Portal


Related articles are listed on the details page of an article in the self-service portal. They are based on the maximum number of matching tags with the currently open article. This makes it easier for users to find related articles on the same topic.

The Related Articles section in the self-service portal is located below the feedback section on the article view page.


Steps to show/hide related articles section in self-service portal:

  1. Navigate to the Admin module and select Customer Portal in the Settings menu.
  2. Navigate to Knowledge Base tab and choose the brand you want.
  3. Scroll down to the Article Configuration section to find the Show related articles checkbox.
  4. Check or uncheck the checkbox depending on your needs. Additionally, you can use the Number of articles to show dropdown to set a limit on the number of related articles displayed. The maximum limit for related articles is ten.


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