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What are the article sorting options?


BoldDesk offers the facility to sort the article in Knowledge Base. A user can change the sort order either by ascending or descending to the following options:

Sorting Values Description
Created – Ascending Articles are sorted by ascending based on article creation date.
Created – Descending Articles are sorted by descending based on article creation date.
Alphabetically Articles are sorted based on the alphabetical order.
Modified – Ascending Articles are sorted by ascending based on the last modified date of an article.
Modified – Descending Articles are sorted by descending based on the last modified date of an article.
Position Articles can be reordered to a specific position. To know more about reordering of articles, click here.

How to set the sorting order for the articles?

  1. Go to Knowledge Base (KB) module and click Manage Articles.


  1. Select a Category and navigate to its edit page by clicking Edit.


  1. Click the Article Sorting dropdown option and set the desired sorting value for articles to be sorted according to it.


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